RosiTour Art Gallery


Illustrazioni - La Divina Commedia - di Dante Alighieri

Inferno     Purgatorio     Paradiso


Inferno 01_1-90

Dante running from three beasts is rescued by Virgil

Inferno 02_139-141

Dante and Virgil enter the wood

Inferno 03_1-10

Dante and Virgil enter Hell

Inferno 03_22-83

The vestibule of hell and the souls mustering to cross the Acheron

Inferno 04_89-95

Homer and the ancient poets

Inferno 05_1-24


Inferno 05_37-138

The Whirlwind of Lovers - Francesca da Rimini

Inferno 06_12-35


Inferno 06_13-33


Inferno 07_25-96

The goddess of fortune

Inferno 07_67-75

The angel crossing the Styx

Inferno 07_110-127

The Stygian Lake with angry sinners fighting

Inferno 08_30-64

Virgil repelling Filippo Argentil from the Boat

Inferno 09_44-64

The angel at the gate of Dis

Inferno 10_23-70

Dante conversing with Farinata degli Uberti

Inferno 11_1-15

Scheme of the Circles of Hell

Inferno 12_12-28

The Minotaur (Seventh circle)

Inferno 13_1-45

The Wood of self-violators - The Harpies and the Suicides

Inferno 13_109-29

The hell-hounds hunting the destroyers of their own goods

Inferno 14_46-72

Capaneus the blasphemer

Inferno 14_94-119

The symbolic figure of the course of human history described by Virgil

Inferno 17_1-27

Geryon conveying Dante and Virgil down towards malebolge

Inferno 19_42-120

The simoniac Pope

Inferno 20_1-56

The necromancers and augurs

Inferno 21_29-42

The devil carrying the lucchese magistrate to the boiling-pitch pool of corrupt officials

Inferno 21_46-57

The devils under the bridge

Inferno 21_97-139

The devils setting out with Dante and Virgil

Inferno 22_

The circle of the corrupt officials - Ciampolo the barrator tormented by the devils

Inferno 24_82-96

The thieves and the serpents

Inferno 24_


Inferno 25_1-15

Vanni Fucci 'Making Figs' against God

Inferno 25_12-33

Centaur Cacus threatens Vanni Fucci

Inferno 25_49-78

The circle of thieves - Agnello dei Brunelleschi attacked by a six-footed serpent

Inferno 25_

The circle of thieves - Buoso dei Donati attacked by the serpent

Inferno 26_44-71

Ulysses and Diomed wrapped in the same flame

Inferno 28_19-42

The schismatics and sowers of discord-Mahomet

Inferno 28_103-42

The schismatics and sowers of discord-Mosca de' Lamberti and Bertrand de Born

Inferno 29_

The circle of the falsifiers - Dante and Virgil covering their noses because of the stench

Inferno 30_22-45

The pit of disease-Gianni Schicchi and Myrrha

Inferno 31_84-111

Ephialtes and two other titans

Inferno 31_112-43

Antaeus set down Dante and Virgil in the 9th circle

Inferno 33_13-93

Count Ugolino and his sons in prison

Inferno 34_22-64

Lucifer at the last section of the 9th circle


The ascent of the mountain of Purgatory

The circle of the corrupt officials, the devils mauling each other

The circle of traitors - Dante's foot striking Bocca degli Abbati

The devils with Dante and Virgil by the side of the pool

The hypocrities with Caiaphas

The laborious passage along the rocks

The primaeval giants sunk in yhe soil

Virgil giding Dante's with a rush

Inferno     Purgatorio     Paradiso

Dante in the empyrean drinking at the river of light

Purgatorio 04_46-57

The rest on the mountain leading the Purgatory

Purgatorio 05_37-57

The souls of those who only repented at the point of death

Purgatorio 07_64-90

The lawn with the kings and angels

Purgatorio 09_

Dante and Virgil before the Angelic Guardian of the Purgatory

Purgatorio 10_

The rock sculptured with the recovery of the ark and the Annunciation

Purgatorio 27_46-8

Dante at the moment of entering the fire

Purgatorio 27_5-36

The angel inviting Dante to enter the fire

Purgatorio 30_60-146

Beatrice addressing Dante

Purgatorio 32_85-7

The harlot and the giant

Inferno     Purgatorio     Paradiso

Paradiso 14_97-111

Dante adoring Christ

Paradiso 24_19-33

St. Peter appears to Beatrice and Dante

Paradiso 25_13-24

St. Peter and St. James with Dante and Beatrice

Paradiso 30_97-126

The queen of heaven in glory